Simply combine eggnog and coffee for a delicious holiday beverage. Creamy Eggnog and Coffee features a blend of cooled coffee and eggnog with a kiss of...
Snack on the perfect blend of popcorn, pretzels, nuts and cheese crackers all drizzled in spicy seasoned butter with this Tex-Mex Snack Mix. You'll have...
Sip on a refreshing and irresistible beverage, perfect for summer barbecues and other occasions. These KOOL-AID Slushies are the ideal treat if you're...
Skip the coffee shop this holiday season with Holiday Spiced Coffee. Combine cinnamon, cloves and orange marmalade to treat your guests to something special...
Featuring a blend of delightfully complex flavors, this marinated shrimp recipe is oh so easy to make. Why wait? Get out the bay leaves and garlic cloves...
Complete your holiday festivities with an eggnog tart dessert that tastes like celebration. This Creamy Eggnog Tart is easy as pie to whip up and goes...